Me And Android: The First Day

"What, um, is Android?" my friend Masha asked me when I told her about my new job at AndroidPIT. I tried to explain, and ended up sounding like a douschy salesman: "It's this platform for phones, developed by Google, that's rapidly growing in users and already the number one cell phone operating system," I hyperventilated. Masha's eyes glazed over: she owns an iPod. She will likely never switch to another phone. I showed her my phone. "Ohhhhh! This is like the phones that try to pretend they're made by Apple." Uh, yeah.

This was my first day with the Android. I'm a newbie, or NOOB in internet parlance. At times, I felt like a grandpa, clumsily fiddling with the keypad on my Samsung Galaxy while attempting to add people to my phonebook. "I just want to make a call with this damn thing!" I wanted to say in an asthmatic voice while cursing the heavens with my cane. Then I synced the phone to my Facebook app and "shazam": suddenly it looked like I could even call that boring kid who sat behind me in math class.


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